Deterministic formulas for genomic prediction
Quantitative Genetics and Genomics Workshop @ESALQ
Population parameter-based deterministic prediction
ShinyGPAS - Shiny Genomic Prediction Accuracy Simulator
Resende Jr. et al. (2012) (DOI: 10.1534/genetics.111.137026) analyzed 17 traits in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) data, which include 951 individuals genotyped with 4853 SNPs. In this homework assignment, we will use the derregressed breeding values of crown width across the planting beds at age 6 (CWAC6). Download the zip file and type the following code.
# read phenotype and SNP files
CWAC6 <- read.csv("Loblolly_Pine_Resende/Phenotypic_Data Folder/DATA_nassau_age6_CWAC.csv",
header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
SNP <- read.csv("Loblolly_Pine_Resende/Snp_Data.csv", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# remove missing phenotypes
na.index <- which($Derregressed_BV))
CWAC6 <- CWAC6[-na.index, ]
SNP <- SNP[-na.index, ]
table(CWAC6$Genotype == SNP[, 1])
# phenotypes
y <- CWAC6$Derregressed_BV
y <- matrix(y, ncol = 1)
# markers
SNP <- SNP[, -1] # 861 x 4853
SNP[SNP == -9] <- NA
Replace missing marker genotypes with mean values. Then store the marker genotypes in a matrix object W
W <- matrix(0, ncol = ncol(SNP), nrow = nrow(SNP))
for (j in 1:ncol(SNP)) {
# cat('j = ', j, '\n')
W[, j] <- ifelse([, j]), mean(SNP[, j], na.rm = TRUE), SNP[, j])
Quality control
Perform a quality control by removing markers with MAF < 0.05. How many markers are removed? Save the filtered genotype matrix in W2
freq <- colMeans(W)/2
maf <- ifelse(freq > 0.5, 1 - freq, freq)
maf.index <- which(maf < 0.05)
W2 <- W[, -maf.index]
Centering and scaling
Standardize the genotype matrix to have a mean of zero and variance of one. Save this matrix as Xs
Ws <- scale(W2, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
# dimensions
n <- nrow(Ws)
m <- ncol(Ws)
G matrix
Compute the second genomic relationship matrix of VanRaden (2008) G
using the entire markers. Then add a very small positive constant (e.g., 0.001) to the diagonal elements so that G
matrix is invertible.
G <- tcrossprod(Ws)/ncol(Ws)
G <- G + diag(n) * 0.001
Relationship-based deterministic prediction of VanRaden (2008)
# training-testing sets partitioning
n.trn <- 761
n.tst <- 100
y.trn <- y[1:n.trn]
y.tst <- y[n.trn + 1:n.tst]
Ws.trn <- Ws[1:n.trn, ]
Ws.tst <- Ws[n.trn + 1:n.tst, ]
# G matrix
Gtrn <- tcrossprod(Ws.trn)/ncol(Ws.trn)
Gtrn <- Gtrn + diag(n.trn) * 0.001
Gtst.trn <- tcrossprod(Ws.tst, Ws.trn)/ncol(Ws.tst)
# When training-testing sets relationship is equal to zero
lambda <- 1.029561 # fit.trn$Ve / fit.trn$Vu
I <- diag(n.trn)
sqrt(matrix(0, ncol = 761, nrow = 1) %*% solve(Gtrn + I * lambda) %*% matrix(0,
nrow = 761, ncol = 1))
# fit GREML to obtain variance components
fit.trn <- mixed.solve(y = y.trn, K = Gtrn)
# Compute deterministic prediction accuracy
r <- array()
for (i in 1:n.tst) {
cat("Running ", "individual ", i, "\n")
r[i] <- sqrt(matrix(Gtst.trn[i, ], nrow = 1) %*% solve(Gtrn + I * lambda) %*%
matrix(Gtst.trn[i, ], ncol = 1))
# Historgram of accuracy (r)
hist(r, breaks = 25, xlim = c(0, 1))
# Average squared relationship vs. Reliability (r^2)
plot(apply(Gtst.trn^2, 1, median), r^2, xlab = "Average squared relationship",
ylab = "Reliability")
abline(lm(r^2 ~ apply(Gtst.trn^2, 1, median)), col = "red")
Leave-one-out cross-validation
# Do not run
ghat <- array()
for (i in 1:n.tst) {
yNA <- y.trn
yNA <- c(yNA, NA)
cat("Running ", "individual ", i, "\n")
Gtrn2 <- rbind(Gtrn, Gtst.trn[i, ])
Gtrn2 <- cbind(Gtrn2, c(Gtst.trn[i, ], G[i + n.trn, i + n.trn]))
fit <- mixed.solve(yNA, K = Gtrn2)
ghat[i] <- fit$u[n.trn + 1]
# square root of heritability
h <- sqrt(fit$Vu/(fit$Vu + fit$Ve))
# genomic prediction accuracy - cor(g, ghat)/h
cor(ghat, y.tst)/h #
# comparison