Modeling longitudinal traits with a random regression model


We will model projected shoot area (PSA) collected over 20 time points from 89 temperate japonica rice accessions using a random regression model.

# install.packages('sommer') install.packages('orthopolynom')
# install.packages('graphics')


Read phenotype and genotype files

You can download the G matrix and phenotype files here.

# G matrix
GRM <- as.matrix(read.table("G.txt", header = FALSE))

# Phenotype matrix
Pheno <- read.table("Pheno.txt", header = TRUE)
# ID should be factor not numeric
Pheno$ID <- factor(Pheno$ID)
# Add column names
colnames(GRM) <- unique(Pheno$ID)
# Add row names
rownames(GRM) <- unique(Pheno$ID)

Legendre polynomials

Time = 1:20
# Order of fit
K <- 2
M <- stdtime(Time, K)
Lambda <- legendre(K, gengler = FALSE)
Phi <- M %*% t(Lambda)
matplot(Time, Phi, lwd = 3, lty = 1, col = c("black", "red", "green"), type = "l", 
    ylab = "Legendre polynomials", main = "Quadratic Legendre polynomials")

Fitting RRM

We will use the mmer function in the sommer R package.

RRM1 <- mmer(Y ~ 1, random = ~vs(leg(Time, 2), ID, Gu = GRM), rcov = ~vs(ds(Time), 
    units), data = Pheno)

Predicting genetic values from random regression coefficients

We will predict genetic values from linear as well as quadratic Legendre polynomials.

RnReg_Q <- rbind(unlist(RRM1$U$`leg0:ID`)  # 3 x 89
, unlist(RRM1$U$`leg1:ID`), 
colnames(RnReg_Q) <- unique(Pheno$ID)
RnReg_L <- RnReg_Q[-3, ]

Time <- unique(Pheno$Time)
Phi_Q <- leg(Time, 2)
Phi_L <- Phi_Q[, -3]

Prediction of genetic values from linear Legendre polynomials.

GEBV_L <- t(apply(RnReg_L, 2, function(x) Phi_L %*% x))
GEBV2_L <- t(Phi_L %*% RnReg_L)  # # alternative way
Pred_L <- cbind(Pheno, c(RRM1$Beta$Estimate + GEBV_L))
colnames(Pred_L) <- c("ID", "Pe", "Time", "Observed", "Predicted")

Prediction of genetic values from quadratic Legendre polynomials.

GEBV_Q <- t(apply(RnReg_Q, 2, function(x) Phi_Q %*% x))
GEBV2_Q <- t(Phi_Q %*% RnReg_Q)  # alternative way
Pred_Q <- cbind(Pheno, c(RRM1$Beta$Estimate + GEBV_Q))
colnames(Pred_Q) <- c("ID", "Pe", "Time", "Observed", "Predicted")


Here, we will visualize observed vs. predicted longitudinal PSA for 12 accessions.

index <- c(1, 9, 10, 15, 31, 32, 36, 51, 52, 56, 62, 63)

Prediction based on linear Legendre polynomials.

xyplot(Predicted + Observed ~ Time | ID, type = "l", data = Pred_L[which(Pred_L$ID %in% 
    index), ], pch = 1, cex = 1, auto.key = T, ylab = "Phenotype")

Prediction based on quadratic Legendre polynomials.

xyplot(Predicted + Observed ~ Time | ID, type = "l", data = Pred_Q[which(Pred_Q$ID %in% 
    index), ], pch = 1, cex = 0.8, auto.key = T, ylab = "Phenotype")

Gota Morota

April 2, 2019