## Given the MME, iteratively solve for the solutions by Jocobi Over Relaxation. ## Arguments ## LHS: left hand side of MME ## RHS: right hand side of MME ## inits: a vecotr of initial values for the solutions ## w: a vector of relaxation factor ## disp: a logical value. If true, show the solutions at each iteration ## Note: When 'w' is all one, usual Jacobi method will be performed. ## Literature1 : Mrode, R.A. 2005. Linear Models for the Prediction of Animal Breeding Values. CAB International, Oxon, UK. ## Literature 2: Misztal, I. 2008. Computational Techniques in Animal Breeding. Course Notes. University of Georgia. ## Author: Gota Morota ## Create: 9-Apr-2010 ## Last-Modified: 11-Apr-2010 ## License: GPLv3 or later `jor` <- function(LHS, RHS, inits, w, disp){ D <- diag(diag(LHS)) R <- LHS diag(R) <- 0 w <- diag(w) Dinv <- solve(D)%*%w x <- matrix(inits) I <- diag(1,dim(w)[1]) diff <- 1 i = 0 while (diff > 10E-9){ i = i + 1 newx <- (I-w)%*%x + Dinv%*%(RHS - R%*%x) if (disp == TRUE){ cat('\n') cat("iteration ", i, '\n') print(x) } diff <- ( sum((newx - x)^2) ) /sum(newx^2) x <- newx } cat('\n') cat("Final solutions after", i, "th iteration" ) return(x) }