## Given the components of MME, estimate variance components by REML in the average information framework. ## Arguments ## A: an additive relationship matrix ## y: a vector of response ## X: a incidence matrix for fixed effects ## Z: a incidence matrix for random effects ## initE: initial value for the residual variance ## initU: initial value for the additive genetic variance ## disp: a logical value. If true, display estimates of variance components at each iteration. ## Note ## Literature 1: Tsuruta, S. 2006. Estimation of Variance Components in Animal Breeding. The University of Georgia. ## Literature 2: Mrode, R.A. 2005. Linear Models for the Prediction of Animal Breeding Values. CAB International, Oxon, UK. ## Author: Gota Morota ## Create: 7-Apr-2010 ## Last-Modified: 8-Apr-2010 ## License: GPLv3 or later `aiReml` <- function(A, y, X, Z, initE, initU, disp){ N <- length(y) Ze <- diag(N) Var <- c(initU, initE) AI <- matrix(0, ncol=2, nrow=2) s <- matrix(0, ncol=1, nrow=2) diff1 <- 10 diff2 <- 10 i <- 0 while (diff1 > 10e-7 & diff2 > 10e-7 ){ i <- i + 1 G <- A*Var[1] R <- Ze%*%t(Ze)*Var[2] V <- Z%*%G%*%t(Z) + R Vinv <- solve(V) P <- Vinv - Vinv%*%X%*%solve(t(X)%*%Vinv%*%X)%*%t(X)%*%Vinv AI[1,1] <- sum(diag((t(y)%*%P%*%Z%*%t(Z)%*%P%*%Z%*%t(Z)%*%P%*%y ))) AI[1,2] <- sum(diag((t(y)%*%P%*%Z%*%t(Z)%*%P%*%Ze%*%t(Ze)%*%P%*%y ))) AI[2,1] <- AI[1,2] AI[2,2] <- sum(diag((t(y)%*%P%*%Ze%*%t(Ze)%*%P%*%Ze%*%t(Ze)%*%P%*%y ))) s[1,1] <- sum(diag((P%*%Z%*%t(Z) ))) - (t(y)%*%P%*%Z%*%t(Z)%*%P%*%y ) s[2,1] <- sum(diag((P%*%Ze%*%t(Ze) ))) - (t(y)%*%P%*%Ze%*%t(Ze)%*%P%*%y ) newVar <- Var - solve(AI)%*%s diff1 <- abs(Var[1] - newVar[1]) diff2 <- abs(Var[2] - newVar[2]) Var <- newVar if (disp == TRUE){ cat('\n') cat("iteration ", i, '\n') cat("sig2U", Var[1], '\n') cat("sig2E", Var[2], '\n') } } cat('\n') return(list( "sigma2U"=Var[1], "sigma2E"=Var[2] )) }