class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Interactive deterministic formulas for genomic prediction ## Statistical Methods for Omics-assisted Breeding Hands-on Workshop ### Gota Morota
### 2018/11/13 --- # Cross-validation for genomic prediction <div align="center"> <img src="Fig1CV.png" width=650 height=450> </div> .right[[doi:10.1093/jas/sky014](] --- # Repeated subsampling cross-validation <div align="center"> <img src="resamplingCV.png" width=600 height=400> </div> * Repeat this process many times (e.g., 100~200) * Compute how frequent (%) model A performed better than model B * Useful when the number of samples is small --- # Cross-validation for RRBLUP Training and testing sets partitioning `\begin{align*} \text{Training} &\in (\mathbf{y}_{trn},\mathbf{W}_{trn} ) \\ \text{Testing} &\in (\mathbf{y}_{tst},\mathbf{W}_{tst} ) \\ \mathbf{y}_{trn} &= \mathbf{W}_{trn} \hat{\mathbf{a}}_{trn} + \mathbf{e}_{trn} \\ \end{align*}` How to do a cross-validation? -- `\begin{align*} \hat{\mathbf{g}}_{tst} &= \mathbf{W}_{tst} \hat{\mathbf{a}}_{trn} \end{align*}` -- Then evaluate `\begin{align*} Cor(\mathbf{y}_{tst}, \hat{\mathbf{g}}_{tst}) = Cor(\mathbf{y}_{tst}, \mathbf{W}_{tst} \hat{\mathbf{a}}_{trn} ) \end{align*}` --- # Cross-validation for GBLUP Training and testing sets partitioning `\begin{align*} \mathbf{y}_{trn} &= \mathbf{g}_{trn} + \mathbf{e}_{trn} \\ \mathbf{g}_{trn} &\sim N(0, \mathbf{G}_{trn, trn}) \\ \mathbf{y}_{tst} &= \mathbf{g}_{tst} + \mathbf{e}_{trn} \\ \mathbf{g}_{tst} &\sim N(0, \mathbf{G}_{tst, tst}) \\ \end{align*}` How to do a cross-validation? -- Compute BLUP of `\(\mathbf{g}_{tst}\)` given `\(\hat{\mathbf{g}}_{trn}\)` `\begin{align*} BLUP(\mathbf{g}_{tst}) &= E(\mathbf{g}_{tst}|\hat{\mathbf{g}}_{trn}) \\ &= Cov(\mathbf{g}_{tst}, \hat{\mathbf{g}}_{trn}) Var(\hat{\mathbf{g}}_{trn})^{-1} [\hat{\mathbf{g}}_{trn} - E(\hat{\mathbf{g}}_{trn})] \\ &= \mathbf{G}_{tst, trn}\sigma^2_{g} \mathbf{G}_{trn, trn}^{-1} \sigma^{-2}_g \hat{\mathbf{g}}_{trn} \\ &= \mathbf{G}_{tst, trn} \mathbf{G}_{trn, trn}^{-1} \hat{\mathbf{g}}_{trn} \\ \end{align*}` -- Then evaluate `\begin{align*} Cor(\mathbf{y}_{tst}, \hat{\mathbf{g}}_{tst}) = Cor(\mathbf{y}_{tst}, \mathbf{G}_{tst, trn} \mathbf{G}_{trn, trn}^{-1} \hat{\mathbf{g}}_{trn}) \end{align*}` --- # Deterministic genomic prediction formulas - highlight the relationships among prediction accuracy and potential factors influencing prediction accuracy - no computationally intensive cross-validation 1) **Population parameter-based deterministic formulas** - genotypes of individuals are not required 2) **Relationship-based deterministic formulas** - genotypes of individuals need to be known --- # Shiny - []( - A web application framework for **interactive** visualization - Able to generate user friendly web interfaces - Built on a reactive programming model - Entirely extensible - custom inputs and outputs - CSS themes - JavaScript and D3.js - Example - [Collision Detection]( --- # Shiny framework <img src="Shinyframework.png" height="300px" width="650px"/> **Template** ```r library(shiny) ui <- fluidPage() server <- function(input, output) {} shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server) ``` --- # Control widgets <img src="widgets.png" width=700 height=470> .left[[RStudio](] --- class: inverse, left, middle # ShinyGPAS - Shiny Genomic Prediction Accuracy Simulator Can be used for - _interactive_ exploration of potential factors influencing prediction accuracy - simulation of achievable prediction accuracy - prior to genotyping individuals or performing CV - supporting in-class teaching - no knowlege of R, HTML, JavaScript, or CSS is required. R code encapsulated as a web-based Shiny application Available at []( and []( --- class: inverse, center, middle # Population parameter-based deterministic formulas --- # Deterministic formula (1) Daetwyler et al. (2008; 2010) `\begin{align} r &= \sqrt{\frac{N h^2}{N h^2 + M_e} } \end{align}` where `\(N\)` is the number of individuals in the reference population, `\(h^2\)` is the heritability, and `\(M_e\)` is the number of independent chromosome segments. - treating genetic markers as fixed - independence of quantitative trait loci (QTL) - regression of phenotypes on genotype one locus at a time - `\(\sigma^2_{\epsilon}\)` and `\(\sigma^2_g + \sigma^2_{\epsilon}=1\)` - identical accuracy of QTL effect size estimates across QTL allele frequencies - perfect linkage disequilibrium (LD) between marker and QTL pairs - unrelated individuals --- # Deterministic formula (2) Goddard (2009) `\begin{align} r &= \sqrt{1 - \frac{\lambda}{2N\sqrt{\alpha}} \ln\left( \frac{1 + \alpha + 2\sqrt{\alpha}}{1 + \alpha - 2\sqrt{\alpha}}\right) } \end{align}` where `\(\lambda\)` is `\(M_e/(h^2\ln(2N_e))\)` and `\(\alpha\)` is `\(1 + 2(M_e/Nh^2\ln(2N_e))\)` - treating markers as random - assuming complete LD between marker and QTL pairs - QTL effects were assumed to be sampled from a normal distribution - assumes that QTL with high minor allele frequencies have more accurate effect size than QTL with low minor allele frequencies --- # Deterministic formula (3) Goddard et al. (2011) `\begin{align} r &= \sqrt{b \frac{Nbh^2/M_e}{1 + Nbh^2/M_e}} \end{align}` where `\(b = M/(M + M_e)\)` is the proportion of genetic variance explained by the markers and `\(M\)` is the is the number of markers. - accounts for incomplete LD between markers and QTL --- # Deterministic formula (4) Rabier et al. (2016) `\begin{align*} r &= \sqrt{\frac{h^2/(1-h^2)}{M_e/N + h^2/(1-h^2)}}. \end{align*}` - relaxing the assumption of `\(\sigma^2_{\epsilon}\)` and `\(\sigma^2_g + \sigma^2_{\epsilon}=1\)` - can be applied with any value of `\(\sigma^2_{\epsilon}\)` and `\(\sigma^2_g\)` --- # Deterministic formula (5) Rabier et al. (2016) `\begin{align*} r &= \sqrt{\frac{h^2/(1-h^2)}{\mathbb{E}(||\mathbf{x}'_{n_{\text{TRN} + 1}} \mathbf{X}'\mathbf{V}^{-1} ||^2) + h^2/(1-h^2)}} \end{align*}` `\(M_e/N\)` is equal to `\(\mathbb{E}(||\mathbf{x}'_{n_{\text{TRN} + 1}} \mathbf{X}'\mathbf{V}^{-1} ||^2)\)` under RRBLUP. - `\(\mathbf{x}'_{n_{\text{TRN} + 1}}\)` is the vector of markers belonging to the testing set individual - `\(\mathbf{X}\)` is the training set allele content matrix - `\(\mathbf{V} = \mathbf{X}\mathbf{X}' + \lambda \mathbf{I}\)` - `\(\lambda\)` is the regularization parameter - `\(||.||^2\)` is the squared norm Note that if we can assume individuals in training and testing sets were sampled from the same population, `\(\hat{\mathbb{E}}(||\mathbf{x}'_{n_{\text{TRN} + 1}} \mathbf{X}'\mathbf{V}^{-1} ||^2) \le 1\)` --- # Deterministic formula (6) de los Campos et al. (2013) Under the genomic best linear unbiased prediction framework `\begin{align} r &= \sqrt{ [1 - (1 - b)^2] h^2 } \end{align}` - assuming that the patterns of allele sharing between markers and causal loci are different - `\(b\)` is the average regression coefficient of the marker-based genomic relationships on genomic relationships at QTL --- # Deterministic formula (7) - Karaman et al. (2016) `\begin{align} r &= \sqrt{ h^2_M \left[ \frac{N h^2_M}{N h^2_M + M_e} \right] } \end{align}` - correlation between phenotypes and estimated breeding values (additive genetic values) - `\(h^2_M\)` is the genomic heritability, which is the proportion of phenotypic variance that is explained by regression on markers. --- # Deterministic formula (8) - Wientjes et al. (2016) `\begin{align} r = \sqrt{ \begin{bmatrix} b_{AC} r_{G_{AC}} \sqrt{\frac{h^2_A}{M_{e_{A,C}}} } & b_{BC} r_{G_{BC}} \sqrt{\frac{h^2_B}{M_{e_{B,C}}}} \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \frac{h^2_A}{M_{e_{A,C}}} + \frac{1}{N_A} & r_{G_{AB}} \sqrt{\frac{h^2_A h^2_B}{M_{e_{A,C}} M_{e_{B,C}} } } \\ r_{G_{AB}} \sqrt{\frac{h^2_A h^2_B}{M_{e_{A,C}} M_{e_{B,C}} } } & \frac{h^2_B}{M_{e_{B,C}}} + \frac{1}{N_B} \end{bmatrix}^{-1} } \\ \times \sqrt{\begin{bmatrix} b_{AC} r_{G_{AC}} \sqrt{\frac{h^2_A}{M_{e_{A,C}}}} \\ b_{BC} r_{G_{BC}} \sqrt{\frac{h^2_B}{M_{e_{B,C}}}} \end{bmatrix}} \end{align}` Combines two populations A and B to predict prediction accuracy in population C. - `\(b_{AC}\)` is the square root of the proportion of the genetic variance in predicted population C explained by the markers in training population A - `\(r_{G_{AC}}\)` is the genetic correlation between populations A and C - `\(M_{e_{A,C}}\)` is the effective number of chromosome segments shared between populations A and C --- # Paper <img src="GSE.png" height="420px" width="710px"/> [doi:10.1186/s12711-017-0368-4]( --- class: inverse, center, middle # Relationship-based deterministic formulas --- ## Relationship-based deterministic formula (1) * use genotypes of selection candidates and reference individuals * accounts for family structures [VanRaden (2008)]( - selection index theory * accuracy of genomic prediction for each testing set individual (rather than the entire testing set individuals as seen in the population-parameter deterministic formuals) `\begin{align} r &= \sqrt{ \mathbf{c} \left [ \mathbf{G} + \mathbf{I} \frac{\sigma^2_{\epsilon}}{\sigma^2_g} \right ]^{-1} \mathbf{c}' } \end{align}` - `\(\mathbf{c}\)` is a vector of genomic relationships between the testing set individual and the reference population - `\(\mathbf{G}\)` is the genomic relationships among the reference population individuals --- ## Relationship-based deterministic formula (2) [Wientjes et al. (2015)]( - extended to across-population genomic prediction * predict an individual in population C from populations A and B `\begin{align} r = \sqrt{ \begin{bmatrix} r_{G_{AC}}\mathbf{c}_{AC} & r_{G_{BC}}\mathbf{c}_{BC} \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{G}_A + \mathbf{I}_A\frac{\sigma^2_{e_{a}}}{\sigma^2_{g_{a}}} & r_{G_{AB}}\mathbf{c}_{AB} \\ r_{G_{AB}}\mathbf{c}_{AB}' & \mathbf{G}_B + \mathbf{I}_B\frac{\sigma^2_{e_{b}}}{\sigma^2_{g_{b}}} \end{bmatrix}^{-1} } \\ \times \sqrt{ \begin{bmatrix} r_{G_{AC}}\mathbf{c}_{AC}' \\ r_{G_{BC}}\mathbf{c}_{BC}' \end{bmatrix}} \end{align}` * predict an individual in population C from population A `\begin{align} r &= \sqrt{ r_{G_{AC}}\mathbf{c}_{AC} \left [ \mathbf{G}_{A} + \mathbf{I}_{A} \frac{\sigma^2_{e_{a}}}{\sigma^2_{g_{a}}} \right ] r_{G_{AC}}\mathbf{c}_{AC}' } \end{align}` -