This example illustrates how to fit genomic BLUP (GBLUP) using the rrBLUP R package, two-step apporach, and mixed model equations.
We will use the wheat data available in the BGLR R package.
rm(list = ls())
y <- 10 + wheat.Y[, 2] # use the second phenotype
W <- wheat.X
Genomic relationship matrix
p <- colMeans(W)
maf <- ifelse(p > 0.5, 1 - p, p) # or pmin(p, 1-p)
maf.index <- which(maf < 0.1)
p2 <- p[-maf.index]
W2 <- W[, -maf.index]
Wcs <- scale(W2, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
G <- tcrossprod(Wcs)/ncol(Wcs)
Genomic BLUP
The mixed.solve()
function implements GBLUP.
# install.packages('rrBLUP')
fit <- mixed.solve(y = y, K = G)
fit$beta # BLUE (intercept)
head(fit$u) # BLUP (genetic values, breeding values)
fit$Vu # additive genetic variance
fit$Ve # residual variance
lambda <- fit$Ve/fit$Vu # lambda
Two-step approach
The fixed effect incidence matrix \(\mathbf{X}\) only includes the intercept.
X <- matrix(1, nrow = nrow(G), ncol = 1)
Z <- diag(nrow(G))
I <- diag(nrow(G))
Ginv <- solve(G)
V <- G * fit$Vu + I * fit$Ve
Vinv <- solve(V)
b <- solve(t(X) %*% Vinv %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% Vinv %*% y # BLUE (intercept)
g <- solve(I + Ginv * lambda) %*% (y - X %*% b) # BLUP (genetic values)
Mixed model equations (MME)
XtX <- t(X) %*% X # X'X
XtZ <- t(X) %*% Z # X'Z
ZtX <- t(Z) %*% X # Z'X
ZtZ <- t(Z) %*% Z # Z'Z
Xty <- t(X) %*% y # X'y
Zty <- t(Z) %*% y # Z'y
LHS1 <- cbind(XtX, XtZ)
LHS2 <- cbind(ZtX, ZtZ + Ginv * lambda)
LHS <- rbind(LHS1, LHS2) # left hand side of MME
RHS <- rbind(Xty, Zty) # right hand side of MME
sol <- solve(LHS, RHS) # solve for BLUE and BLUP
# BLUE (intercept)
sol[1, ]
# BLUP (genetic values)
sol[-1, ]
head(sol[-1, ])
We will compare the results obtained from the rrBLUP, two-step approach, and MME. Verify that they are all equal.
fit$beta # rrBLUP
b # Two-step approach
sol[1, ] # MME
The first six estimates of the genetic values.
head(fit$u) # rrBLUP
head(c(g)) # Two-step approach
head(sol[-1, ]) # MME
The last six estimates of the genetic values.
tail(fit$u) # rrBLUP
tail(c(g)) # Two-step approach
tail(sol[-1, ]) # MME