
This excersie shows how to estimate genomic heritability from Bayesian merker-based regression. Recall that genomic heritability is given by \(h^2_g = \frac{\sigma^2_g}{\sigma^2_g + \sigma^2_e}\), where \(\sigma^2_g\) is the estimate of genomic variance and \(\sigma^2_e\) is the estimate of residual variance.


We will use the mice data available in the BGLR R package.

y <- mice.pheno$Obesity.BMI
W <- mice.X

Quality control

We will perform quality control by removing markers with MAF < 0.1.

freq <- colSums(W) / (2*nrow(W))
maf <- ifelse(freq > 0.5, 1-freq, freq)
maf.index <- which(maf < 0.1)
W <- W[, -maf.index]
freq <- freq[-maf.index]
dim(W) # 1814 9340

Standarization of marker matrix

We will create type marker matrices. Wc: a centered marker matrix. Wcs: a centered and scaled marker matrix.

Wc <- scale(W, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)

Wcs <- scale(W, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)

Genomic relationship matrix

We will create two types of VanRaden’s genomic relationship matrices: G1: VanRaden’s first genomic relationship matrix. G2: VanRaden’s second genomic relationship matrix.

G1 <- tcrossprod(Wc) / sum(2*freq*(1-freq))

G2 <- tcrossprod(Wcs) / ncol(Wcs)


Genomic best linear unbiased prediction (GBLUP) is given by \[\begin{align*} \mathbf{y} &= \mathbf{Xb} + \mathbf{Zg} + \mathbf{e} \\ \mathbf{g} &\sim N(0, \mathbf{G}\sigma^2_g) \\ \mathbf{e} &\sim N(0, \mathbf{I}\sigma^2_e) \end{align*}\] where \(\mathbf{X}\) and \(\mathbf{Z}\) are the incidence matrices for fixed and random effects, respectively, and \(\mathbf{b}\) and \(\mathbf{g}\) are BLUE of fixed effect and BLUP of genetic values, respectively. Also, \(\sigma^2_g\) is the additive genetic variance and \(\sigma^2_e\) is the residual variance. By using the restricted maximum likelihood (REML), we can obtain the estimate of genomic heritability as

\[\begin{align*} h^2_g = \frac{\sigma^2_g}{\sigma^2_g + \sigma^2_e} \end{align*}\]

GBLUP with G1

Use mixed.solve function in the rrBLUP R package. We will first estimate genomic heritability using GBLUP coupled with the G1 matrix.

fitG1 <- mixed.solve(y = y, K=G1)
# additive genetic variance
# residual variance
# genomic h2
fitG1$Vu / (fitG1$Vu + fitG1$Ve) # 0.195

The estimate of heritability from the G1-based GBLUP is 0.195.

GBLUP with G2

We will estimate genomic heritability using GBLUP again, but this time with the G2 matrix.

fitG2 <- mixed.solve(y = y, K=G2)
# additive genetic variance
# residual variance
# genomic h2
fitG2$Vu / (fitG2$Vu + fitG2$Ve) # 0.203

The estimate of heritability from the G2-based GBLUP is 0.203, which is slightly different from the one from the G1.


In ridge regression BLUP (RR-BLUP), we treat the markers as random and fit the whole markers simultaneously. Note that in RR-BLUP, we regress phenotype on the marker matrix instead of regressing on the \(G\) matrix as in GBLUP.

\[\begin{align*} \mathbf{y} &= \mathbf{Xb} + \mathbf{Wa} + \mathbf{e} \\ \mathbf{a} & \sim N(0, \mathbf{I}\sigma^2_a) \\ \mathbf{e} & \sim N(0, \mathbf{I}\sigma^2_e) \end{align*}\]

  • \(\mathbf{X}\): incidence matrix of fixed effect
  • \(\mathbf{b}\): vector of fixed effect
  • \(\mathbf{W}\): marker matrix
  • \(\mathbf{a}\): vector of marker effect
  • \(\sigma^2_a\): marker genetic variance
  • \(\mathbf{e}\): vector of residual
  • \(\sigma^2_a\): residual variance

The marker genetic variance \(\sigma^2_a\) is not genetic variance \(\sigma^2_g\), which is required to calculate genomic heritability. Therefore, we have to indirectly estimate \(\sigma^2_g\) to obtain the estimate of genomic heritability.

RR-BLUP with Wc

In RR-BLUP, we estimate genomic heritability by regressing phenotype on markre covariates. We first estimate marker genetic variance \(\sigma^2_a\) in RR-BLUP. Then we estimate genetic variance \(\sigma^2_g\) from \(\sigma^2_a\) by using the formula \(\sigma^2_g = \sum^m_{j=1}(2p_j(1-p_j)) \sigma^2_a\), where \(p_j\) is the \(j\)th allele frequency of reference allele. This formula holds when the marker matrix is centered (Wc).

fitWc <- mixed.solve(y = y, Z=Wc)
# marker additive genetic variance
# residual variance
# marker additive genetic effects
# additive genetic variance
sigma2gWc <- sum(2*freq*(1-freq)) * fitWc$Vu 
# genomic h2
sigma2gWc / (sigma2gWc + fitWc$Ve) # 0.195

We can confirm that the estimate of genomic heritability is equivalent to the one from G1-based GBLUP.

RR-BLUP with Wcs

Similar to the above, we first estimate marker genetic variance \(\sigma^2_a\) in RR-BLUP. Then we estimate genetic variance \(\sigma^2_g\) from \(\sigma^2_a\) by using the formula \(\sigma^2_g = m \sigma^2_a\), where \(m\) is the number of markers. This formula holds when the marker matrix centered and scaled (Wcs).

fitWcs <- mixed.solve(y = y, Z=Wcs)
# marker additive genetic variance
# residual variance
# marker additive genetic effects
# additive genetic variance
sigma2gWcs <- ncol(Wcs) * fitWcs$Vu 
# genomic h2
sigma2gWcs / (sigma2gWcs + fitWcs$Ve) # 0.203

We can confirm that the estimate of genomic heritability is equivalent to the one from G2-based GBLUP.

Bayesian ridge regression

Bayesian ridge regression is equivalent to assigning a Gaussian prior to the marker effect. \[\begin{align*} \mathbf{y} = \sum^m_{j=1} \mathbf{W}_{j} a_j + \epsilon \rightarrow \mathbf{y}| a_j, \sigma^2_e \sim N(\mathbf{W}_{j} a_j, \sigma^2_e) \end{align*}\]

\(p(\mathbf{a}| \mathbf{y}, \sigma^2_e, \sigma^2_{a}) \propto p(\mathbf{y}|\mathbf{a}, \sigma^2_e) \cdot p(\mathbf{a}| \sigma^2_{a})\)

\[\begin{align*} \text{Prior distributions} \begin{cases} a_j|\sigma^2_{a} \sim N(0, \sigma_{a}^{2} ) \\ \sigma^2_{a} \sim \chi^{-2}(\nu, S) \\ \sigma^2_{e} \sim \chi^{-2}(\nu, S) \end{cases} \end{align*}\]

  • \(\chi^{-2}(\nu, S) \rightarrow\) scaled inverted chi-square distribution with \(\nu\) degrees of freedom and scale parameter \(S\)

Bayesian ridge regression with Wc

We can estimate genomic heritability from Bayesian ridge regression with Wc as the same way as in RR-BLUP with Wc using the following relationship between \(\sigma^2_g\) and \(\sigma^2_a\). We will use the BGLR function in the BGLR R package.

\[ \sigma^2_g = \sum^m_{j=1}(2p_j(1-p_j)) \sigma^2_a \]

ETA <- list(MRK=list(X = Wc, model = "BRR"))
fitBRRWc <- BGLR(y = y, ETA = ETA, nIter = 3000, burnIn = 500, verbose = TRUE)

# marker genetic variance
# residual variance
# marker additive genetic effects
# additive genetic variance
sigma2gBRRWc <- sum(2*freq*(1-freq)) * fitBRRWc$ETA[[1]]$varB
# genomic h2
sigma2gWc / (sigma2gWc + fitBRRWc$varE) # 0.198

We can see that the estimate of genomic heritability from Bayesian ridge regression with Wc is very simlar to the one from RR-BLUP with Wc.

Bayesian ridge regression with Wcs

We can estimate genomic heritability from Bayesian ridge regression with Wcs as the same way as in RR-BLUP with Wcs by using the following relationship between \(\sigma^2_g\) and \(\sigma^2_a\).

\[ \sigma^2_g = m \sigma^2_a \]

ETA <- list(MRK=list(X = Wcs, model = "BRR"))
fitBRRWcs <- BGLR(y = y, ETA = ETA, nIter = 3000, burnIn = 500, verbose = TRUE)

# marker genetic variance
# residual variance
# marker additive genetic effects
# additive genetic variance
sigma2gBRRWcs <- ncol(Wcs) * fitBRRWcs$ETA[[1]]$varB
# genomic h2
sigma2gWcs / (sigma2gWcs + fitBRRWcs$varE) # 0.205

We can see that the estimate of genomic heritability from Bayesian ridge regression with Wcs is very simlar to the one from RR-BLUP with Wcs.


BayesC is equivalent to assuming two component mixture prior with a point of mass at zero and a Gaussian slab. It does both shrinkage and variable selection. \[\begin{align*} \mathbf{y} = \sum^m_{j=1} \mathbf{W}_{j} a_j + \epsilon \rightarrow \mathbf{y}| a_j, \sigma^2_e \sim N(\mathbf{W}_{j} a_j, \sigma^2_e) \end{align*}\]

\(p(\mathbf{a}| \mathbf{y}, \sigma^2_e, \sigma^2_{a}) \propto p(\mathbf{y}|\mathbf{a}, \sigma^2_e) \cdot p(\mathbf{a}| \sigma^2_{a})\)

\[\begin{align*} \text{Prior distributions} \begin{cases} \begin{cases} a_j = 0 \quad \text{with probability} \quad \pi \\ a_j|\sigma^2_{a} \sim N(0, \sigma_{a}^{2} ) \quad \text{with probability} \quad (1 - \pi) \end{cases} \\ \sigma^2_{a} \sim \chi^{-2}(\nu, S) \\ \sigma^2_{e} \sim \chi^{-2}(\nu, S) \end{cases} \end{align*}\]

  • \(\pi\): probability that markers have no effect

  • \(\chi^{-2}(\nu, S) \rightarrow\) scaled inverted chi-square distribution with \(\nu\) degrees of freedom and scale parameter \(S\)

Unlike Bayesian ridge regression, the relationship between \(\sigma^2_g\) and \(\sigma^2_a\) is not clear in BayesC. Theoretically, it is possible to derive a sample of the genetic variance from the sample variance of the genetic values at each iteration of the Gibbs sampler as shown in this paper. For \(s\)th Gibbs sample, we calculate

\[\begin{align*} \sigma^{2(s)}_g = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n} (g^{(s)}_i - \bar{g}^{(s)})^2}{n} \end{align*}\] where \(\bar{g}^{(s)} = \frac{\sum^n_{i=1} g_i^{(s)}}{n}\) is the average genetic value and \(n\) is the number of individuals. Then, compute genomic heritability at \(s\)th iteration as \[\begin{align*} h^{2(s)}_g = \frac{\sigma^{2(s)}_g}{\sigma^{2(s)}_g+ \sigma^{2(s)}_e} \end{align*}\]

Once Gibbs sampling is over, compute the posterior mean of the genomic heritability.

BayesC with Wcs

The following code estimates the genomic heritability from BayesC with Wcs.

ETA <- list(MRK=list(X = Wcs, model = "BayesC", saveEffects=TRUE))
fitBayesCWcs <- BGLR(y = y, ETA = ETA, nIter = 6000, burnIn = 1000, verbose = TRUE)

# marker genetic variance
# residual variance
# marker additive genetic effects

# read output files
E <- scan("varE.dat")
E <- E[-c(1:fitBayesCWcs$burnIn / fitBayesCWcs$thin)]

# compute genomic heritability at each iteration of the Gibbs sampler 
h2vec <- array()
for (s in 1:nrow(B)){
  ghat <- Wcs %*% B[s,]
  gbar <- mean(Wcs %*% B[s,])
  sigma2g <- sum( (ghat - gbar)^2 ) / (nrow(Wcs) )
  h2vec[s] <- sigma2g / E[s]


# posterior mean of h2
mean(h2vec) # 0.272

The estimate of genomic heritability from BayesC is larger than those of GBLUP, RR-BLUP, and Bayesian ridge regression.


BayesB is equivalent to assuming two component mixture prior with a point of mass at zero and a sclaed-t distribution slab. It does both shrinkage and variable selection. \[\begin{align*} \mathbf{y} = \sum^m_{j=1} \mathbf{W}_{j} a_j + \epsilon \rightarrow \mathbf{y}| a_j, \sigma^2_e \sim N(\mathbf{W}_{j} a_j, \sigma^2_e) \end{align*}\]

\(p(\mathbf{a}| \mathbf{y}, \sigma^2_e, \sigma^2_{a}) \propto p(\mathbf{y}|\mathbf{a}, \sigma^2_e) \cdot p(\mathbf{a}| \sigma^2_{a})\)

\[\begin{align*} \text{Prior distributions} \begin{cases} \begin{cases} a_j = 0 \quad \text{with probability} \quad \pi \\ a_j|\sigma^2_{a_j} \sim N(0, \sigma_{a_j}^{2} ) \quad \text{with probability} \quad (1 - \pi) \end{cases} \\ \sigma^2_{a_j} \sim \chi^{-2}(\nu, S) \\ \sigma^2_{e} \sim \chi^{-2}(\nu, S) \end{cases} \end{align*}\]

  • \(\pi\): probability that markers have no effect

  • \(\chi^{-2}(\nu, S) \rightarrow\) scaled inverted chi-square distribution with \(\nu\) degrees of freedom and scale parameter \(S\)

Similar to BayesC, we calculate the genetic variance from the sample variance of the genetic values at each iteration of the Gibbs sampler.

BayesB with Wcs

The following code estimates the genomic heritability from BayesB with Wcs.

ETA <- list(MRK=list(X = Wcs, model = "BayesB", saveEffects=TRUE))
fitBayesBWcs <- BGLR(y = y, ETA = ETA, nIter = 6000, burnIn = 1000, verbose = TRUE)

# marker genetic variance
# residual variance
# marker additive genetic effects

# read output files
E <- scan("varE.dat")
E <- E[-c(1:fitBayesBWcs$burnIn / fitBayesBWcs$thin)]

# compute genomic heritability at each iteration of the Gibbs sampler 
h2vec <- array()
for (s in 1:nrow(B)){
  ghat <- Wcs %*% B[s,]
  gbar <- mean(Wcs %*% B[s,])
  sigma2g <- sum( (ghat - gbar)^2 ) / (nrow(Wcs) )
  h2vec[s] <- sigma2g / E[s]


# posterior mean of h2
mean(h2vec) # 0.303

The estimate of genomic heritability from BayesB is overestimated compared to those of GBLUP, RR-BLUP, and Bayesian ridge regression.