APSC 5984 Complex Trait Genomics

Due date

Monday, April 13, 5pm

Simulated data

Download the simulated dataset HW4.Rda and load it into your R environment.

[1] "chr"        "markerName" "pos"        "W"          "y"         
  1. chr: chromosomes
  2. markerName: marker names
  3. pos: marker position
  4. W: marker matrix
  5. y: quantitative phenotypes

Question 1

Read Visscher (2008) and summmarize the paper in 200 - 300 words.

Question 2

Perform single-marker mixed linear model GWAS using the rrBLUP package. Create a Manhattan plot and find out which markers are significant under the Bonferroni correction. Use the statistical significance threshold \(\alpha = 0.05\)

Gota Morota

April 6, 2020