Review of allele and genotypic frequencies


We will learn how to compute allele and genotypic frequencies in R using the cattle data set.

Read a file

Use the function read.table to read the genotype file Geno.txt in a data frame format. We will store the genotype data in the variable W.

W <- read.table(file = file.choose(), header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

We can access a certain element in the data frame by entering its coordinate in the single square bracket [] operator. Let’s first access the element in the first column and the first row. When the row coordinate is omitted, the operator returns a data frame with just a single column.

W[1, 1]  # 1st row and 1st column 
head(W[, 1])  # one-column data frame

The following code shows the first five rows and columns.

W[1:5, 1:5]

We then drop the first column of data frame, which is the animal IDs. The - sign indicates dropping variables. So, -1 means dropping the first column.

W <- W[, -1]

Next, we will convert W into a matrix from a data frame. In R, matrices are more memory efficient and convenient than the other data types to do linear algebra.

W <- as.matrix(W)

What is the dimension of W?


Allele frequency

Let’s compute the allele frequency of the first SNP. The table function returns frequncies of genotypes.

table(W[, 1])

We can see that there are 100 AA animals, 475 Aa animals, and 429 aa animals. Let’s assign these numbers into variables.

nAA <- table(W[, 1])[3]
nAa <- table(W[, 1])[2]
naa <- table(W[, 1])[1]

Allele frequency of A is given by \[ f(A) = p = \frac{2 \times (\text{no. of } AA \text{ individuals}) + 1 \times (\text{no. of } Aa \text{ individuals})}{2 \times \text{total no. of individuals}}. \]

Exercise 1

Use the variables nAA, nAa, and naa defined above and compute the allele frequencies of A and a in the first SNP.

Genotypic frequency

Genotypic frequency is given by \[ f(AA) = P = \frac{\text{No. of } AA \text{ individuals}}{\text{Total no. individuals}} \\ f(Aa) = H = \frac{\text{No. of } Aa \text{ individuals}}{\text{Total no. individuals}} \\ f(aa) = Q = \frac{\text{No. of } aa \text{ individuals}}{\text{Total no. individuals}}. \\ \]

Exercise 2

What are the genotypic frequencies of AA, Aa, and aa in the first SNP?

Another approach for obtaining allele frequency

\[ f(A) = p = \frac{2 \times (\text{frequency of } AA) + 1 \times (\text{frequency of } Aa)}{2 \times (\text{frequency of } AA + Aa + aa)}. \]

Exercise 3

Use the variables P, H, and Q defined above and compute the allele frequencies of A and a in the first SNP.

Exercise 4

What are the genotypic frequencies of AA, Aa, and aa in the second SNP?

nAA <- table(W[, 2])[3]
nAa <- table(W[, 2])[2]
naa <- table(W[, 2])[1]

p <- (2 * nAA + 1 * nAa)/(2 * (nAA + nAa + naa))
q <- 1 - p

Compute allele frequencies for all SNPs

So far we have learned how to compute the allele frequency of a single SNP using the table function. Here, we consider how to compute allele frequencies for the entire SNPs. Of course we can apply the table function manually one at a time. However, this approach takes too much time to compute allele frequencies for 6,960 SNPs. Recall that allele frequency of A is given by \[ f(A) = p = \frac{2 \times (\text{no. of } AA \text{ individuals}) + 1 \times (\text{no. of } Aa \text{ individuals})}{2 \times \text{total no. of individuals}}. \] We can rewrite this equation into \[ f(A) = p = \frac{(\text{no. of } A \text{ allele in the population})}{2 \times \text{total no. of individuals}}. \] This suggests that all we need is the number of \(A\) allele or reference allele \(a\) for each SNP. The sum function returns the number of reference allele \(A\).

sum(W[, 1])  # sum of A allele in the first SNP
sum(W[, 2])  # sum of A allele in the second SNP

How to repeat this operation for 6,960 SNPs? The colSums function returns the sum of each column in a matrix as a vector.


Note that colSums(W) gives the numerator of the above equation. We then divide this number by \(2 \times \text{total no. of individuals}\). The function nrows returns the number of rows.

p <- colSums(W)/(2 * nrow(W))

The variable p is a vector and it contains the allele frequencies of reference allele for 6,960 SNPs.

Exercise 5

What is the allele frequency of reference allele in the 300th SNP?

Exercise 6

What is the mean of reference allele frquencies in this population?

Minor allele frequency

In most cases, people report a minor allele frequency, which is the frequency of less frequent allele in a given SNP. We can convert allele frequencies into minor allele frquencies by using the ifelse function.

maf <- ifelse(p > 0.5, 1 - p, p)

Exercise 7

What is the minor allele frquency of reference allele in the 300th SNP?

Exercise 8

What is the mean of minor allele frquencies?


Now let’s visualize the minor allele frequencies for the first 500 SNPs.


Save R objects

Save the variable W so that we can reuse it in the next class.

save(W, file = "W.Rda")

Gota Morota

January 18, 2018