Ornella et al. (2014) (doi:10.1038/hdy.2013.144) analyzed 14 and 16 trait–environment combinations in maize and wheat, respectively. You can download the wheat stem rust—main season data set in Wheat-Stem Rust.zip
from the CIMMYT data repository.
X <- matrix(0, ncol=ncol(Markers), nrow=nrow(Markers))
for (j in 1:ncol(Markers)){
X[,j] <- ifelse(is.na(Markers[,j]), mean(Markers[,j], na.rm=TRUE), Markers[,j])
freq <- colMeans(X) # X \in (0,1)
maf <- ifelse(freq > 0.5, 1-freq, freq)
maf.index <- which(maf < 0.01)
## [1] 424
X <- X[, -maf.index] # 176 x 931
# G matrix
computeG <- function(X){
X <- scale(X, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
p <- ncol(X)
G <- tcrossprod(X) / p
# Gaussian kernel matrix
computeGK <- function(X, bw){
X <- scale(X, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
D<- as.matrix(dist(X, method="euclidean"))^2
D <- D/mean(D)
GK <- exp(-bw * D)
# G matrix
G <- computeG(X)
hist(G[upper.tri(G)], main="", xlab="G(i,i')")
# GK with theta = 1.0
GK1.0 <- computeGK(X, bw=1.0)
hist(GK1.0[upper.tri(GK1.0)], main="", xlab="K(i,i')")
title(substitute(theta == 1.0))
# GK with theta = 0.7
GK0.7 <- computeGK(X, bw=0.7)
hist(GK0.7[upper.tri(GK0.7)], main="", xlab="K(i,i')")
title(substitute(theta == 0.7))
# GK with theta = 0.1
GK0.1 <- computeGK(X, bw=0.1)
hist(GK0.1[upper.tri(GK0.1)], main="", xlab="K(i,i')")
title(substitute(theta == 0.1))
G <- computeG(X)
hist(G[upper.tri(G)], main="", xlab="G(i,i')")
GK1.0 <- computeGK(X, bw=1.0)
hist(GK1.0[upper.tri(GK1.0)], main="", xlab="K(i,i')")
title(substitute(theta == 1.0))
GK0.7 <- computeGK(X, bw=0.7)
hist(GK0.7[upper.tri(GK0.7)], main="", xlab="K(i,i')")
title(substitute(theta == 0.7))
GK0.1 <- computeGK(X, bw=0.1)
hist(GK0.1[upper.tri(GK0.1)], main="", xlab="K(i,i')")
title(substitute(theta == 0.1))
## null device
## 1