class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) analysis ## LIFE 891-002: Integrating Quantitative and Computational Biology into Life Sciences Research ### Gota Morota
### 2018/02/28 --- # Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) - collection of a comprehensive life sciences vocabulary - used for indexing articles in MEDLINE database (PubMed) - includes over 26,000 terms (as of 2011) - 10 `\(\sim\)` 15 MeSH headings per article <div align="center"> <img src="meshlogo.png" width=800 height=300> <figcaption>NCBI MeSH website</figcaption> </div> --- # Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) <div align="center"> <img src="canavez2012PubMed.png" width=800 height=450> <figcaption>Paper in PubMed</figcaption> </div> --- # Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) <div align="center"> <img src="canavez2012PubMed2.png" width=500 height=450> <figcaption>MeSH terms</figcaption> </div> --- # MeSH term-based search Enhances PubMed search <div align="center"> <img src="pubmedMesh1.png" width=800 height=450> <figcaption>MeSH terms</figcaption> </div> --- # MeSH term-based search (cont.) Enhances PubMed search <div align="center"> <img src="pubmedMesh2.png" width=800 height=450> <figcaption>MeSH terms</figcaption> </div> --- # MeSH Categories <div align="center"> <img src="table1.png" width=800 height=450> <figcaption>Tsuyuzaki et al. (2015) </figcaption> </div> --- # Gene Ontology (GO) GO terms are assigned to genes according to - biological process - molecular function - cellular component It helps to understand biological interpretation of genes, however, - GO is restricted to specific ontology - MeSH contains terms regarding other concepts such as Diseases, Chemicals and Drugs, and Biological Phenomena --- # MeSH enrichment analysis **Hypergeometric test** <div align="center"> <img src="hypergeometricEq.png" width=400 height=150> </div> - `\(S\)` is the total number of selected genes - `\(N\)` is the total number of analyzed genes - `\(k\)` is the total number of genes in the MeSH term under study - `\(g\)` is the total number of selected genes in the MeSH term --- # Hypergeometric test <div align="center"> <img src="MeSHhyper.png" width=900 height=650> </div> --- # Hypergeometric test (Example) The p-value is the probability of getting `g` or more annotated selected genes in a sample of size `S` from a sample of background genes with `k` annotated genes and `N-k` non-annotated genes. ```r S <- 300 N <- 20000 k <- 2500 g <- 50 # 1 sum(dhyper(g:min(S,k), k, N-k, S)) [1] 0.02031964 phyper(g-1, k, N-k, S, lower.tail=FALSE) [1] 0.02031964 # 2 1 - sum(dhyper(0:g-1, k, N-k, S)) [1] 0.02031964 1 - phyper(g-1, k, N-k, S) [1] 0.02031964 ``` --- # Number of background genes matters ```r S <- 300 k <- 2500 g <- 50 N <- 10000; 1 - phyper(g-1, k, N-k, S) ``` ``` ## [1] 0.9998374 ``` ```r N <- 15000; 1 - phyper(g-1, k, N-k, S) ``` ``` ## [1] 0.5245452 ``` ```r N <- 20000; 1 - phyper(g-1, k, N-k, S) ``` ``` ## [1] 0.02031964 ``` --- # MeSH ORA framework in Bioconductor <div align="center"> <img src="Fig1.png" width=800 height=450> <figcaption>Tsuyuzaki et al. (2015) </figcaption> </div> --- # Entrez Gene ID `\(\longleftrightarrow\)` MeSH ID <div align="center"> <img src="Fig6.png" width=800 height=450> <figcaption>Tsuyuzaki et al. (2015) </figcaption> </div> --- # Bioconductor packages Cattle annotation package <div align="center"> <img src="meshBtaegdb.png" width=800 height=200> </div> Statistical analysis package <div align="center"> <img src="meshr.png" width=800 height=210> </div> --- # Example code ```r library("meshr") library("MeSH.db") library("") meshParams <- new("MeSHHyperGParams", geneIds = my.geneID3, universeGeneIds = univ.geneID3, annotation = "", category = "D", database = "gene2pubmed", pvalueCutoff = 0.05, pAdjust = "none") meshR <- meshHyperGTest(meshParams) head(summary(meshR)) MESHID Pvalue OddsRatio ExpCount Count Size MESHTERM GENEID SOURCEID D015815 5.00e-06 12.2754 0.696 7 39 Cell Adhesion Molecules 404118 23800882 D015815 5.00e-06 12.2754 0.696 7 39 Cell Adhesion Molecules 538486 15117967 D015815 5.00e-06 12.2754 0.696 7 39 Cell Adhesion Molecules 281485 15117967 ``` --- # Visualization for MeSH enrichment analysis ```r tagcloud(mesh.tags, weights=weights, col=colors, order="size") ``` <div align="center"> <img src="meshtags.png" width=700 height=500> </div> --- # MeSH analysis in mammalian livestock Morota et al. (2015) <div align="center"> <img src="Morota2015.png" width=800 height=230> </div> - Dairy Cattle - genes that showed differential expression in preimplantation embryos due to maternal methionine supplementation (Penagaricano et al., 2013) - Swine - genes related to age at puberty in swine (Tart et al., 2013) - Horse - genes under selection in Quarter Horse (Petersen et al., 2013) --- # Number of annotated genes in cattle, swine, and horse <div align="center"> <img src="Table1mesh.png" width=800 height=400> <figcaption>Morota et al. (2015) </figcaption> </div> --- # Dairy Cattle - RNA-Seq <div align="center"> <img src="MeSHdairy2.png" width=900 height=490> <figcaption>Morota et al. (2015) </figcaption> </div> --- # Swine - GWAS <div align="center"> <img src="MeSHswine.png" width=800 height=490> <figcaption>Morota et al. (2015) </figcaption> </div> --- # Horse - Selection signature <div align="center"> <img src="MeSHhorse.png" width=800 height=490> <figcaption>Morota et al. (2015) </figcaption> </div> --- # MeSH analysis in chicken Morota et al. (2016) <div align="center"> <img src="Morota2016.png" width=800 height=310> </div> - Differential expression in abdominal fat tissue between high and low feed efficiency broiler chickens (Zhuo et al., 2015) - Candidate genes historically impacted by selection in 72 different chicken breeds (Beissinger et al., 2015) --- # MeSH annotation of the chicken genome Number of known and selected genes annotated by MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) and GO (Gene Ontology). <div align="center"> <img src="chickenGenes.png" width=800 height=310> </div> --- # Significant MeSH terms <div align="center"> <img src="chickenTable2.png" width=800 height=415> </div> --- # MeSH semantic similarity - information content - semantic similarity among MeSH terms - semantic similarity among genes - information content-based measure <div align="center"> <img src="meshHierarchy2.png" width=800 height=390> <figcaption>Morota et al. (2016) </figcaption> </div> --- # MeSH semantic similarity (RNA-seq) Chemicals and Drugs <div align="center"> <img src="rnaseqMeSHSimD.png" width=800 height=490> <figcaption>Morota et al. (2016) </figcaption> </div> --- # MeSH semantic similarity (selective sweep) Chemicals and Drugs <div align="center"> <img src="epiMeSHSimD.png" width=800 height=450> <figcaption>Morota et al. (2016) </figcaption> </div> --- # Gene semantic similarity (RNA-seq) <div align="center"> <img src="rnaseqGeneSimMeSHBPRevised1.png" width=850 height=400> <figcaption></figcaption> </div> --- # Gene semantic similarity (selective sweep) <div align="center"> <img src="epiGeneSimMeSHBPRevised1.png" width=850 height=400> </div> --- # MeSH analysis in maize Beissinger and Morota. (2016) <div align="center"> <img src="Beissinger.png" width=800 height=310> </div> - regions under selection during maize **domestication** (Hufford et al., 2012) - regions under selection during maize **improvement** (Hufford et al., 2012) - regions under selection for **seed size** (Hirsch et al., 2014) - regions under selection for **ear number** (Beissinger et al., 2014) - regions contributing to **inflorescence** traits (Brown et al.,2011) --- # MeSH enrichment analysis (maize) <div align="center"> <img src="MeSHmaize.png" width=700 height=300> <figcaption></figcaption> </div> --- # MeSH semantic similarity (maize) <div align="center"> <img src="SemanticSimilarity.png" width=800 height=500> <figcaption></figcaption> </div> --- # Pitfalls What are the pitfalls in MeSH / GO analysis? - significant MeSH or GO terms can arise from a random set of genes - easy to make biological sense out of the false-positives - inferring the molecular mechanism on the basis of statistically significant MeSH or GO annotations alone is potentially error-prone Literature - Pavlidis et al. (2012). A critical assessment of storytelling: gene ontology categories and the importance of validating genomic scans. MBE. [doi:10.1093/molbev/mss136]( --- # Summary MeSH - share similar concepts derived from GO annotations - able to draw additional information not directly provided by GO - supplementary tool to GO analysis - <span style="color:red">good tool for generating hypotheses</span>