A list of open access author publication charges for journals in genetics.

Open access fees

Journal APC ($) LaTex
JDS Communications (ADSA member) 750 No
Crop Science 1100 -> 1275 Yes
DNA Research 1250 No
Applications in Plant Sciences (Non-member) 1400 No
AoB PLANTS 1400 Yes
animal 1640 -> 1600 No
PLOS ONE 1695 Yes
BMC Genetics -> BMC Genomic Data (Associate editor discount) 1736 Yes
Journal of Dairy Science (Member) 1750 No
Translational Animal Science (Member) 1750 -> 1950 No
The Plant Genome 1800 -> 2125 Yes
G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics (Member) 1815 Yes
BMC Genomics (Associate editor discount) 1832 Yes
Genetics Selection Evolution 1835 Yes
Scientific Reports 1870 Yes
BMC Plant Biology (Associate editor discount) 1904 Yes
Plant Direct (Non-member and preprint) 1980 Yes
in silico Plants 1999 Yes
The Plant Phenome Journal 2000 Yes
GigaScience 2132 Yes
Plant Methods 2490 Yes
PLOS Genetics 2500 Yes
Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics 2750 Yes
Journal of Heredity (Non-member) 2800 No
Journal of Animal Science (Member) 2900 No
Frontiers in Genetics 2950 -> 3225 Yes
Animal Genetics 3000 No
Journal of Experimental Botany 3000 No
New Phytologist 3000 No
Frontiers in Plant Science 3225 No
Bioinformatics (Non-member) 3250 Yes
Communication Biology 3290 Yes
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 3860 Yes
Heredity 3860 Yes
Animal Science Journal 4000 No
Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 4000 No
Nature Communications 5380 Yes
Genetics (Member) 80 per page + 45 per figure + 1500 Yes