class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # R / RStudio ## STAT 892 ### Gota Morota ### January 16, 2018 --- background-image: url(DS_Venn.png) background-size: 450px background-position: 50% 55% # Data Science .footnote[Wikimedia Commons] --- class: small, left, top ## 50 Years of Data Science The original paper of Donoho (2017) and a collection of discussion papers are available on [Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics: Vol 26, No 4]( - Donoho. 50 Years of Data Science - Peng. Comment on “50 Years of Data Science” - Holmes and Josse. Discussion of “50 Years of Data Science” - Hicks. Greater Data Science Ahead! - Zheng. Teaching Data Science in a Statistical Curriculum: Can We Teach More by Teaching Less? - Hofmann and VanderPlas. All of This Has Happened Before. All of This Will Happen Again: Data Science - Majumder and Cheng. Focusing on the Needs: Experiences of Developing a Data Science Program - McNamara, Horton, and Baumer. Greater Data Science at Baccalaureate Institutions - Bryan and Wickham. Data Science: A Three Ring Circus or a Big Tent? --- background-image: url( background-size: 250px background-position: 50% 70% class: small, left, top # R Statistical programming language and computing environment * Current version: 3.4.3. * The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN) * Download and Install R: --- background-image: url( background-size: 400px background-position: 50% 70% class: small, left, top # RStudio Integrated development environment (IDE) for R * Current version: 1.1.383 * Download RStudio Desktop Open Source License : * RStudio Tutorial: --- class: small, left, top ## Why use RStudio? * Integrated Development Environment (IDE) * Editor * Graphical workspace * Terminal * Tab-completion of function names, arguments, and filenames * Rmarkdown and knitr integration * Open Source!