class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Univariate Genomic prediction ## STAT 892-004 Integrative Data Science for Plant Phenomics ### Gota Morota ### 2018/02/08 --- # GWAS vs. Prediction ![]( .right[[Wikimedia Commons](] --- # Missing heritability ![]( .right[[doi:10.1038/456018a](] - Variance explained by genome-wide significant SNPs (GWAS heritability) - Variance explained by all SNPs on the DNA microarray chip (genomic heritability) - Variance explained by pedigree (trait heritability) -- GWAS heritability `\(<\)` genomic heritability `\(\leq\)` trait heritability --- # Genomic prediction - use all available markers ![](mhg2001.png) .center[[Meuwissen et al. (2001)](] .pull-left[ - Genomic selection - Genome-enabled selection - Genome-assisted selection - Genomic prediction - Genome-enabled prediction - Genome-assisted prediction ] .pull-right[ - generation interval - prediction performance ] --- # Genomic selection vs. Marker assisted selection <div align="center"> <img src="nakayaIsobe.png" width=600 height=400><p><a href=""> Nakaya and Isobe (2012)</a> --- class: inverse, center, middle # Time series --- # Longitudinal data Predict time 2 response from time 1; predict time 3 response from time 1, etc <div align="center"> <img src="mackPSA.png" width=400 height=200><p><a href=""> Campbell et al. (In prep)</a> </div> Projected shoot area (PSA) = the sum of plant pixel from two side-view images and one top-view - Single time point analysis - cross-sectional analysis - Longitudinal analysis - leverage covariance among time points - account for longitudinal curve --- class: inverse, center, middle # GBLUP --- # Genomic best linear unbiased prediction Suppose underlying signal is given by $$ \mathbf{y} = \mathbf{g} + \boldsymbol{\epsilon} $$ We approximate the vector of genetic values `\(\mathbf{g}\)` with a linear function $$ \mathbf{y} = \mathbf{W}\mathbf{a} + \boldsymbol{\epsilon} $$ - `\(\mathbf{W}\)` is the centered `\(n\)` `\(\times\)` `\(m\)` matrix of additive marker genotypes - `\(\mathbf{a}\)` is the vector of regression coefficients on marker genotypes - `\(\boldsymbol{\epsilon}\)` is the residual --- # Genomic best linear unbiased prediction Variance-covariance matrix of `\(\mathbf{y}\)` is `\begin{align*} \mathbf{V}_y &= \mathbf{V}_g + \mathbf{V}_{\epsilon} \\ &= \mathbf{WW'}\sigma^2_{a} + \mathbf{I} \sigma^2_{\epsilon} \end{align*}` - `\(\mathbf{a} \sim N(0, \mathbf{I}\sigma^2_{\mathbf{a}})\)` - `\(\boldsymbol{\epsilon} \sim N(0, \mathbf{I}\sigma^2_{\boldsymbol{\epsilon}})\)` - `\(\mathbf{V}_g = \mathbf{WW'}\sigma^2_{a}\)` is the covariance matrix due to markers --- # Genomic best linear unbiased prediction If normality is assumed, the best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) of `\(\mathbf{g}\)` `\((\hat{\mathbf{g}})\)` is the conditional mean of `\(\mathbf{g}\)` given the data `\begin{align} BLUP(\hat{\mathbf{g}}) &= E(\mathbf{g}|\mathbf{y}) = E[\mathbf{g}] + Cov(\mathbf{g}, \mathbf{y}^T) Var(\mathbf{y})^{-1} [\mathbf{y} - E(\mathbf{y})] \notag \\ &= Cov(\mathbf{W}\mathbf{a}, \mathbf{y}^T)\cdot \mathbf{V}_y^{-1} \mathbf{y} \notag \\ &= \mathbf{WW'}\sigma^2_{\mathbf{a}} [\mathbf{WW'}\sigma^2_{a} + \mathbf{I} \sigma^2_{\epsilon}]^{-1} \mathbf{y} \notag \\ &= [\mathbf{I} + \frac{\sigma^2_{\epsilon}}{\mathbf{WW'}\sigma^2_{a}} ]^{-1} \mathbf{y} \\ &= [\mathbf{I} + (\mathbf{WW'})^{-1} \frac{\sigma^2_{\epsilon}}{\sigma^2_{a}} ]^{-1} \mathbf{y}, \end{align}` assuming that `\(\mathbf{WW'}\)` is invertible - `\(Cov(\mathbf{W}) = \mathbf{WW'}\)` is a covariance matrix of marker genotypes (provided that `\(X\)` is centered), often considered to be the simplest form of additive genomic relationship kernel, `\(\mathbf{G}\)`. --- # Genomic best linear unbiased prediction We can refine this kernel `\(Cov(\mathbf{W}) = \mathbf{WW'}\)` by relating genetic variance `\(\sigma^2_g\)` and marker genetic variance `\(\sigma^2_{a}\)` under the following assumptions Assume genetic value is parameterized as `\(g_{i} = \sum w_{ij} a_j\)` where both `\(x\)` and `\(a\)` are treated as random and independent. Assuming linkage equilibrium of markers (all loci are mutually independent) `\begin{align*} \sigma^2_g &= \sum_j 2 p_j(1-p_j) \cdot \sigma^2_{a_j}. \notag \\ \end{align*}` Under the homogeneous marker variance assumption `\begin{align} \sigma^2_{a} &= \frac{\sigma^2_g}{2 \sum_j p_j(1-p_j) }. \end{align}` --- # Genomic best linear unbiased prediction Recall that `\begin{align} BLUP(\hat{\mathbf{g}}) &= [\mathbf{I} + (\mathbf{WW'})^{-1} \frac{\sigma^2_{\epsilon}}{\sigma^2_{a}} ]^{-1} \mathbf{y}, \end{align}` Replacing `\(\sigma^2_{\beta}\)` we get `\begin{align} BLUP(\hat{\mathbf{g}}) &= \left [\mathbf{I} + (\mathbf{WW'})^{-1} \frac{\sigma^2_{\epsilon}}{ \frac{ \sigma^2_{g}}{2 \sum_j p_j(1-p_j)}} \right ]^{-1} \mathbf{y} \notag \\ &= \left [\mathbf{I} + \mathbf{G}^{-1} \frac{\sigma^2_{\epsilon}}{ \sigma^2_g} \right ]^{-1} \mathbf{y} \end{align}` where `\(\mathbf{G} = \frac{\mathbf{WW'}}{2 \sum_j p_j(1-p_j)}\)` is known as the first `\(\mathbf{G}\)` matrix introduced in VanRaden (2008) --- class: inverse, center, middle # RRBLUP --- ## BLUP of marker effects Suppose that the phenotype-genotype mapping function is `\begin{align*} \mathbf{y} &= \mathbf{g} + \boldsymbol{\epsilon} \\ \mathbf{y} &= \mathbf{W}\mathbf{a} + \boldsymbol{\epsilon} \\ \mathbf{a} &\sim N(0, \mathbf{I}\sigma^2_{a}) \end{align*}` The conditional expectation of `\(\mathbf{a}\)` given `\(\mathbf{y}\)` is `\begin{align*} BLUP(\mathbf{a}) &= E(\mathbf{a}| \mathbf{y})= Cov(\mathbf{a}, \mathbf{y})Var(\mathbf{y})^{-1} [\mathbf{y} - E(\mathbf{y})] \\ &= Cov(\mathbf{a}, \mathbf{W}\mathbf{a}) [\mathbf{W}\mathbf{W'} \sigma^2_{\mathbf{a}}+ \mathbf{I}\sigma^2_{\boldsymbol{\epsilon}}]^{-1} \mathbf{y} \\ &= \sigma^2_{\mathbf{a}} \mathbf{W}' [\mathbf{W}\mathbf{W'} \sigma^2_{\mathbf{a}} + \mathbf{I}\sigma^2_{\boldsymbol{\epsilon}}]^{-1} \mathbf{y} \\ &= \sigma^2_{\mathbf{a}} \mathbf{W'} (\mathbf{W}\mathbf{W'})^{-1} [ \sigma^2_{\mathbf{a}}\mathbf{I} + (\mathbf{W}\mathbf{W'})^{-1} \sigma^2_{\boldsymbol{\epsilon}}]^{-1} \mathbf{y} \\ &= \mathbf{W}^T (\mathbf{W}\mathbf{W'})^{-1} [ \mathbf{I} + (\mathbf{W}\mathbf{W'})^{-1} \frac{\sigma^2_{\boldsymbol{\epsilon}}}{\sigma^2_{\mathbf{a}}} ]^{-1} \mathbf{y}. \end{align*}` Alternatively, `\begin{align*} BLUP(\mathbf{a}) &= \mathbf{W}^T [ (\mathbf{W}\mathbf{W'}) + \frac{\sigma^2_{\boldsymbol{\epsilon}}}{\sigma^2_{\mathbf{a}}}\mathbf{I} ]^{-1} \mathbf{y}. \end{align*}` --- # BLUP of marker effects Thus, `\begin{align*} BLUP(\mathbf{a}) &= \mathbf{W}^T (\mathbf{W}\mathbf{W'})^{-1} [ \mathbf{I} + (\mathbf{W}\mathbf{W'})^{-1} \frac{\sigma^2_{\boldsymbol{\epsilon}}}{\sigma^2_{\mathbf{a}}} ]^{-1} \mathbf{y} \\ &= \mathbf{W'} (\mathbf{W}\mathbf{W'})^{-1} BLUP(\mathbf{g}). \end{align*}` Thus, once we obtain `\(\hat{\mathbf{g}}\)` from GBLUP, BLUP of marker coefficients is given by `\(\hat{\mathbf{a}} = \mathbf{W'} (\mathbf{W}\mathbf{W'})^{-1} \hat{\mathbf{g}}\)` We arrive at the same prediction regardless of whether we start from the genotype matrix `\(\mathbf{W}\)` or from `\(\mathbf{g}\)` --- # How to evaluate prediction performance Cross-validation - take model uncertainty into account - divide data into training and testing sets - train the model in the training set - evaluate predictive performance in the testing set - predictive correlation: `\(r = cor(\mathbf{y}, \hat{\mathbf{y}})\)` - predictive correlation squared: `\(R^2 = cor(\mathbf{y}, \hat{\mathbf{y}})^2\)` - mean-squared error: `\(\sum(y - \hat{y})^2/n_{test}\)` --- # K-fold Cross-validation .right[[PRML]( )] ![](Fig1-18Bishop.png) --- # Cross-validation for GBLUP Training and testing sets partitioning `\begin{align*} \mathbf{y}_{trn} &= \mathbf{g}_{trn} + \mathbf{e}_{trn} \\ \mathbf{g}_{trn} &\sim N(0, \mathbf{G}_{trn, trn}) \\ \mathbf{y}_{tst} &= \mathbf{g}_{tst} + \mathbf{e}_{trn} \\ \mathbf{g}_{tst} &\sim N(0, \mathbf{G}_{tst, tst}) \\ \end{align*}` How to do a cross-validation? -- Compute BLUP of `\(\mathbf{g}_{tst}\)` given `\(\hat{\mathbf{g}}_{trn}\)` `\begin{align*} BLUP(\mathbf{g}_{tst}) &= E(\mathbf{g}_{tst}|\hat{\mathbf{g}}_{trn}) \\ &= Cov(\mathbf{g}_{tst}, \hat{\mathbf{g}}_{trn}) Var(\hat{\mathbf{g}}_{trn})^{-1} [\hat{\mathbf{g}}_{trn} - E(\hat{\mathbf{g}}_{trn})] \\ &= \mathbf{G}_{tst, trn}\sigma^2_{g} \mathbf{G}_{trn, trn}^{-1} \sigma^{-2}_g \hat{\mathbf{g}}_{trn} \\ &= \mathbf{G}_{tst, trn} \mathbf{G}_{trn, trn}^{-1} \hat{\mathbf{g}}_{trn} \\ \end{align*}` -- Then evaluate `\begin{align*} Cor(\mathbf{y}_{tst}, \hat{\mathbf{g}}_{tst}) = Cor(\mathbf{y}_{tst}, \mathbf{G}_{tst, trn} \mathbf{G}_{trn, trn}^{-1} \hat{\mathbf{g}}_{trn}) \end{align*}` --- # Cross-validation for RRBLUP Training and testing sets partitioning `\begin{align*} \text{Training} &\in (\mathbf{y}_{trn},\mathbf{W}_{trn} ) \\ \text{Testing} &\in (\mathbf{y}_{tst},\mathbf{W}_{tst} ) \\ \mathbf{y}_{trn} &= \mathbf{W}_{trn} \hat{\mathbf{a}}_{trn} + \mathbf{e}_{trn} \\ \end{align*}` How to do a cross-validation? -- `\begin{align*} \hat{\mathbf{y}}_{tst} &= \mathbf{W}_{tst} \hat{\mathbf{a}}_{trn} \end{align*}` -- Then evaluate `\begin{align*} Cor(\mathbf{y}_{tst}, \hat{\mathbf{y}}_{tst}) = Cor(\mathbf{y}_{tst}, \mathbf{W}_{tst} \hat{\mathbf{a}}_{trn} ) \end{align*}`