TBA. TBA Workshop. The 8th International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics (EcoSta 2025). Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan. August 21-23. 2025.
Genomic prediction of stalk lodging resistance and the associated intermediate phenotypes in maize. The 147th Japanese Society of Breeding Meeting. Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan. March 20-21. 2025.
Interactive (re)visualization for animal phenomics. Invited Session: Interactive visualisation for effective decision-making in agricultural and environmental sciences. The 32nd International Biometric Conference (IBC2024). Atlanta Marriott Marquis, Atlanta, GA, USA. December 8-13. 2024.
The cutting edge of phenotyping. The 2024 American Wagyu Association Conference. Williamsburg Lodge, Williamsburg, VA, USA. September 11-14. 2024.
Quantitative genetic analysis of metabolite accumulation in rice. The 21st International Symposium of Rice Functional Genomics Meeting (ISRFG2024). Little Rock/Stuttgart, AR, USA. September 9-11. 2024.
Phenomics-enabled quantitative genetic modeling of complex traits. Animal Breeding and Genetics Symposium. 2024 ASAS Midwest Annual Meeting. Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center, Madison, WI, USA. March 10-13. 2024.
Quantitative genetic modeling of rice grain metabolite accumulation under warmer nights. Breeding for Changing Weather Conditions Workshop. The Plant and Animal Genome Conference (PAG 31). Town & Country Resort and Conference Center, San Diego, CA, USA. January 12-17. 2024.
Use of data science and big data in animal breeding. Special Seminar. Animal Breeding and Genetics Division at the National Institute of Animal Science, Cheonan, Chungnam, South Korea. December 19. 2023.
Phenomics-driven quantitative genetic modeling of complex traits in animals and plants. Interdisciplinary Convergence Symposium on Digital Breeding in Animals and Plants. Kongju National University, Yesan, Chungnam, South Korea. December 18. 2023.
Animal data science applied to digital data. Special Seminar. Smithfield Premium Genetics. Rose Hill, NC, USA. August 14. 2023.
Quantitative genetic analysis of metabolites in rice. Emerging statistical approaches to improve the development of cultivars. The 6th International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics (EcoSta 2023). Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan. August 1-3. 2023.
Data science in precision livestock farming. Symposium on spaced-based effective production for beef. X-Nihonbashi Tower, Chuo-city, Tokyo, Japan. Online. February 22. 2023.
Data science and high-throughput phenotyping in animal science. Symposium on the role of technology and breeding for the future of animal agriculture. The 23rd Japanese Society of Animal Breeding and Genetics Meeting. Online. November 27. 2022.
Machine learning-enabled pig activity monitoring. Session 3: Enhance rigor and reproducibility in animal research by managing extrinsic factors (nonhuman primates/swine). NIH/ORIP workshop. Online. September 30. 2022.
How can artificial intelligence accelerate phenotyping efforts in animal breeding? Animal Breeding and Genetics Symposium I: New Insights on Artificial Intelligence Applied to Precision Animal Breeding. ASAS-CSAS Annual Meeting. Oklahoma City Convention Center, Oklahoma City, OK, USA. June 26-30. 2022.
Genome-enabled analysis of time-series high-throughput phenotyping data. Emerging statistical approaches to improve the development of cultivars session. The 5th International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics (EcoSta 2022). Online. June 4-6. 2022.
Statistical methods for quantitative genetic analysis of image-derived traits from high-throughput phenotyping. Center for Mathematics and Applications, NOVA School of Science and Technology. NOVA University Lisbon, Caparica, Portugal. October 27. 2021.
High-throughput phenotyping driven quantitative genetics. Centre for Genetic Improvement of Livestock Seminar. Department of Animal Biosciences. University of Guelph. Online. September 17. 2021.
High-throughput animal phenotyping. Animal Science Seminar. Department of Animal and Poultry Sciences. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA. September 13. 2021.
High-throughput phenotyping driven quantitative genetics. Translational Plant Sciences Program Orientation Week. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA. August 18. 2021.
Application of Computer Vision Systems for High-throughput Phenotyping in Agriculture. Virginia Tech Genetics, Bioinformatics, and Computational Biology Program Seminar. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Blacksburg, VA, USA. Online. March 24. 2021.
Can computer vision systems help animal phenotyping and monitoring? CAIA Lightning Talk Session. Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture and Life Sciences – VT and Beyond. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Online. Blacksburg, VA, USA. February 24. 2021.
High-throughput phenotyping and precision agriculture in animals and plants. Current Topics in Genomics Seminar. Department of Animal Sciences. Purdue University. Online. October 20. 2020.
Statistical methods for quantitative genetic analysis of longitudinal traits derived from high-throughput plant phenotyping. Crop Science Seminar. Department of Crop Sciences. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Online. September 17. 2020.
Statistical graphics and interactive visualization in animal science. Mathematical Modeling in Animal Nutrition: Training the Future Generation in Data and Predictive Analytics for a Sustainable Development. NANP Symposium. ASAS Annual Meeting Pre-Conference Online. July 19. 2020.
Interactive visualization for animal and plant breeding. Invited Session: Interactive visualization for effective decision-making in agricultural sciences. The 30th International Biometric Conference (IBC2020). Seoul, South Korea. July 5-10. 2020. Canceled due to COVID-19.
A new statistical model for integrating trait networks with multi-trait genome-wide association studies. The 137th Japanese Society of Breeding Meeting. The University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan. March 28-29. 2020. Canceled due to COVID-19.
The use of milk-infrared spectroscopy data to improve milk protein phenotype predictions. The 127th Japanese Society of Animal Science Meeting. Kyoto University, Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan. March 25-28. 2020. Canceled due to COVID-19.
- Variance heterogeneity genome-wide mapping for cadmium in bread wheat reveals novel genomic loci and epistatic interactions. Plant Molecular Breeding Workshop. The Plant and Animal Genome XXVIII Conference. Town and Country Hotel, San Diego, CA, USA. January 11-15. 2020.
- Do structural equation models advance multi-trait genome-wide association analysis? Special Seminar. Bioscience and Biotechnology Center, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan. October 25. 2019.
- Variance heterogeneity association analysis in wheat reveals novel genomic loci and epistatic interactions. Symposium on Statistical and Data Scientific Methods for Omics-data Analysis in Agricultural and Life Sciences. TKP Ochanomizu Conference Center, Tokyo, Japan. October 15. 2019.
Statistical methods for quantitative genetic analysis of high-throughput phenotyping data. University of Florida Genetics Institute Seminar. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA. October 10. 2019.
- Statistical methods for quantitative genetic analysis of high-throughput phenotyping data. Translational Plant Sciences Discussion Group. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA. September 26. 2019.
Big data statistical techniques applied to precision animal nutrition and production. The 6th EAAP International Symposium on Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition. Ouro Minas Palace Hotel, Belo Horizonte, MT, Brazil. September 9-12. 2019.
What is quantitative genetics? Translational Plant Sciences Program Orientation Week. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA. August 21. 2019.
Statistical quantitative genetic modeling for image-based high-throughput phenotyping data. The 64th RBras (The Brazilian Region of the International Biometric Society) and 18th SEAGRO (Symposium on Statistics Applied to Agricultural Experimentation) Meeting. Centro de Eventos do Pantanal, Cuiabá, MT, Brazil. July 29 - August 2. 2019.
- Statistical methods for quantitative genetic analysis of high-throughput phenotyping data. Special seminar. Department of Statistics. Federal University of Viçosa, Viçosa, MG, Brazil. July 25. 2019.
- Statistical learning for multi-omic data. Reproductive Biology Club. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA. April 19. 2019.
Multi-omic data integration in quantitative genetics. Breeding and Genetics Symposium: FAANG. ASAS-ADSA Midwest Annual Joint Meeting. CHI Health Center Convention, Omaha, NE, USA. March 11-13. 2019.
Recent advances in Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) analysis. Cattle/Sheep/Goat 2 Workshop. The Plant and Animal Genome XXVII Conference. Town and Country Hotel, San Diego, CA, USA. January 12-16. 2019.
The role of interactive visualization in big data analysis and its application to plant breeding. The 8th Agrigenomic Industry Workshop. Co-working space Kayabacho Co-Edo, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan. December 21. 2018.
Quantifying genomic connectedness and whole-genome prediction accuracy using bootstrap aggregation sampling. The 11th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2018). University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy. December 14-16. 2018.
- Longitudinal genomic prediction of image-derived phenotypes and interactive visualization tools. Special seminar. Breeding Unit, Division of Apple Research, Institute of Fruit Tree and Tea Science, Shimo-kuriyagawa, Morioka, Iwate, Japan. November 22. 2018.
- Multivariate analyses for longitudinal phenotypes and genome-wide association studies in plants and animals. Special seminar. Crop Science Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University, Ueda, Morioka, Iwate, Japan. November 21. 2018.
- How big data, machine learning and bioinformatics are impacting genetic selection. Poultry Tech Summit. Georgia Tech Hotel & Conference Center, Atlanta, GA, USA. November 5-7. 2018.
- Statistical learning in animal and plant breeding using multi-omic data. IX International Symposium on Genetics and Breeding (IX SIGM) / DuPont Plant Sciences Symposium. Federal University of Viçosa, Viçosa, MG, Brazil. October 24-25. 2018.
- Longitudinal genomic prediction of image-derived phenotypes in rice using a random regression model. The 8th Rice Genetics Symposium (RG8), The International Rice Research Conference 2018 (IRRC 2018). Marina Bay Sands, Singapore. October 15-17. 2018.
- Genome-enabled prediction and genome-wide association analysis for longitudinal image-based data in rice. The 134th Japanese Society of Breeding Meeting. Okayama University, Kita Ward, Okayama, Japan. September 22-23. 2018.
- Bayesian genomic factor analysis and Bayesian network to characterize high-throughput phenotyping data. T-PIRC Symposium: Innovation for global food production towards sustainable future. The 2018 Tsukuba Global Science Week. Tsukuba International Congress Center, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan. September 20-22. 2018.
- Do structural equation models advance genome-wide association analysis? Special seminar. School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science (FMVZ), University of Sao Paulo, Pirassununga, Sao Paulo, Brazil. May 28. 2018.
- Investigating the relationship between microbial community and carcass traits in beef cattle. The 124th Japanese Society of Animal Science Meeting. The University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan. March 27-30. 2018.
- Statistical and computational quantitative genetic analyses for genetic improvement of agricultural species. Special seminar. Department of Animal and Poultry Sciences, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA. February 23. 2018.
- Stronger measures of genomic connectedness enhance prediction accuracies across management units. The 11th World Congress of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. Aotea Centre, Auckland, New Zealand. February 11-16. 2018.
Do stronger measures of genomic connectedness enhance prediction accuracies across management units?. Genomic Selection and Genome-Wide Association Studies Workshop. The Plant and Animal Genome XXVI Conference. Town and Country Hotel, San Diego, CA, USA. January 13-17. 2018.
ShinyGPAS: Interactive genomic prediction accuracy simulator based on deterministic formulas. NCERA-225 Meeting. Stanley Stout Livestock Marketing Center, Manhattan, KS, USA. October 18-19. 2017.
- Genomic connectedness across management units. The 123rd Japanese Society of Animal Science Meeting. Shinshu University, Kamiina, Nagano, Japan. September 4-8. 2017.
Genomic connectedness across management units. The 62nd RBras (The Brazilian Region of the International Biometric Society) and 17th SEAGRO (Symposium on Statistics Applied to Agricultural Experimentation) Meeting. Federal University of Lavras, Lavras, MG, Brazil. July 24-28. 2017.
Applications of Data Mining and Prediction Methods to Animal Sciences. Symposium on Big Data Analytics and Precision Animal Agriculture. ASAS-CSAS Annual Meeting. Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD, USA. July 8-12. 2017.
Predictomics in Quantitative Genetics. Monthly Brown Bag Series on Plant Phenotyping. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, USA. March 31. 2017.
- Phenome-wide genetic mean effect and variance heterogeneity association analysis. Biological Sciences Graduate Seminar. School of Biological Sciences, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, USA. September 23. 2016.
- MeSH annotation of the chicken genome. Poultry 2 Workshop. The Plant and Animal Genome XXIV Conference. Town and Country Hotel, San Diego, CA, USA. January 9-13. 2016.
- Quantitative genetics in the functional genomics era. Special Seminar. The National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences, Tsukuba, Japan. November 12. 2015.
- Quantitative genetics in the functional genomics era. Special Seminar. Laboratory of Biometry and Bioinformatics, The University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan. November 6. 2015.
- The impact of population stratification on genomic heritability. NCERA-225 Meeting. North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, USA. October 22-23. 2015.
- Inferring the impact of population stratification on genomic heritability using a reparameterized genomic best linear unbiased prediction model. Statistics Seminar. Department of Statistics, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, USA. September 23. 2015.
- Quantifying the contribution of population stratification to genomic heritability. Animal Breeding & Genetics Seminar. Department of Animal Science, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, USA. September 15. 2015.
- An application of MeSH enrichment analysis in livestock. ADSA-ASAS Joint Annual Meeting. Rosen Shingle Creek, Orlando FL, USA. July 12-16. 2015.
- Quantitative genetics in the functional genomics era. Animal Breeding & Genetics Seminar. Department of Animal Science, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA. March 3. 2015.
- Prediction of complex quantitative traits using functional annotations and bootstrap aggregating. Special Seminar. National Livestock Breeding Center, Shirakawa, Fukushima, Japan. January 10. 2015.
- Quantitative genetics in the functional genomics era. Special Seminar. PIC, Inc., Hendersonville, TN, USA. November 12. 2014.
- Prediction of complex quantitative traits using non-additive genomic relationship kernels and bootstrap aggregating. Animal Breeding & Genetics Seminar. Department of Animal Science, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, USA. September 18. 2014.
- Whole-genome prediction of complex traits using kernel methods. Ph.D. Thesis Defense. Department of Animal Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA. May 12. 2014. [SlideShare]
- Is internship experience beneficial for obtaining a TT job? Dairy Science Graduate Seminar. Department of Dairy Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA. February 14. 2014.
- Whole-genome prediction of complex traits using kernel methods. Special Seminar. Department of Animal Science, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, USA. December 19. 2013.
- Kernel-based whole-genome enabled prediction of complex traits. Special Seminar. Zoetis, Inc., Kalamazoo, MI, USA. August 8. 2013.
- Application of Bayesian and Sparse Network Models for Assessing Linkage Disequilibrium in Animals and Plants. The 26th International Biometric Conference. Kobe International Conference Center, Kobe Japan. August 30. 2012. [SlideShare]
- Diffusion kernels on SNP data embedded in a non-Euclidean metric space. Animal Breeding & Genomics Seminar. Department of Animal Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA. April 10. 2012. [SlideShare]
- Application of Bayesian and Sparse Network Models for Assessing Linkage Disequilibrium in Animals and Plants. Master's Thesis Defense. Department of Dairy Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA. December 5. 2011.
- Obihiro GCOE Animal Global Health Seminar. Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Obihiro, Hokkaido, Japan. January 7. 2011.
- Allele Frequencies as Stochastic Processes: Mathematical & Statistical Approaches. Animal Breeding & Genomics Seminar. Department of Dairy Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA. November 30. 2010. [SlideShare]
- Hierarchical Bayesian Logistic Regression. Animal Breeding & Genomics Seminar. Department of Dairy Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA. March 23. 2010.
- Animal Breeding & Genomics Seminar. Department of Dairy Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA. November 25. 2008. [SlideShare]
- The impact of missing information in continuous and threshold trait analyses under a linear mixed model framework. The 62nd Hokkaido Animal Science and Agriculture Society Meeting. Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Obihiro, Hokkaido, Japan. September 5-6. 2007.
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